I'm so excited to share our plans for the New Year with you! For 35 years, we have been reaching out to pregnant women in crisis, consoling and counseling them, offering them options that would eliminate the crisis, not the baby. Thousands of babies - at least 8,000 - have been born through our Mother & Unborn Baby Care Center! And we're not stopping now! A very generous donor has purchased the land immediately next door to an abortion clinic in Fort Worth! Right next door! He is building an office building which we will lease, so we can reach out to the woman who has chosen abortion for her baby. In our Chapel, the Blessed Sacrament will be mere feet from the procedure rooms in the abortion clinic. Feet from where His children are being killed!
But we need your help! We need to raise the funds to plan, build and furnish this building! Please, prayerfully consider partnering with us in this effort - it's God's work and He's giving you the opportunity to help Him! Don't say no! Donate what you can, as a one-time donation, or ongoing help. We so need you to help us provide love, hope, and Life to these women and their precious children, for as long as they need us.
There are many ways to donate to support this work of God's:
Text "Give" to 817-631-2266
Click "Donate" on our website: unbornbabycare.org.
Click "Donate" on the Facebook page of Mother & Unborn Baby Care of North Texas.
Send checks to MUBCare, 3704 Myrtle Springs Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76116
Mother & Unborn Baby Care of North Texas, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-exempt.