Q. While praying recently at a rally seeking the overturn of the awful Supreme Court abortion decision of 1973, I recalled that some years ago you published a poem about abortion from the perspective of an unborn child. Could you print it again? — P. G., via e- mail.
A. You have a good memory. That poem appeared in this column about ten years ago. It was written as a pro-life “ rap song” for a Confirmation class and was recited along with the display of an image of an 18week-old unborn child from the famous 1965 Life magazine cover. We gave the child the name “ Jolene.” Here is the biologically accurate poem that we called “A Pro-Life Rapsody.”
Yo, everybody, my name is Jolene, The cutest little chick you’ve ever seen.
I’m not very big in my 18th week, But I’ll tell you more if you let me speak.
My heart is working, and so’s my brain.
Stick me with a needle, I’ll feel the pain.
I’m kicking my legs and sucking my thumb And bouncing around on my tiny bum.
My mom’s just beginning to feel me move, With all systems go, I’m in a groove.
I sure hope everything turns out right, So in a few months I can see daylight. I’ve heard some stories that make me worry About friends of mine in quite a flurry.
They told me that millions of other kids Have had their lives put on the skids.
It seems there are those who are kind of wild, They talk about a “ choice” and not a child.
They say that some of us shouldn’t be born And never have a choice to see the dawn.
Never have a choice to laugh or smile, Never have a choice to run the mile.
Never have a choice to be a dancer, Or maybe to find a cure for cancer.
Never have a choice to watch a storm, Never have choice to attend a prom.
Never have a choice to jump and sing, Never gonna wear a wedding ring.
But why should people deny our portion And impose on us the evil of abortion?
It doesn’t seem fair, so I raise my voice, Don’t you think us babies should have a choice?
But our problem is that we’re hidden from view, And if people can’t see us, what can we do?
We need some friends who will tell the truth, Friends like you, our Confirmation youth.
So whadda you say, will you let them dis This life of mine, big brother and sis?
I’m countin’ on you to save my skin From the abortion crowd that would do me in.
I need your voice and I need your prayers, I need you to help me with my cares.
As I told you before, my name is Jolene, I’d like to grow up and become a teen.
So whadda you say, good friends of mine, Will you step right up and draw a line?
Say a big NO to the “ pro- choice” fraud, And please help defend this child of God.